Adding Subtle Accessories for Corpgoths

So, lets say you're going out to lunch. All you have on is a black and pinstripe shirt, with some black pants. Your outfit is, well, a little boring. But the dress code at your job is really strict/vague. Assuming you are allowed to wear accessories, let's continue.

Add a necklace. Whether it's an ankh, a crucifix, or whatever else depends. Obviously, your spiked collar isn't going to work. Unless you're Abby from NCIS. But, well, you aren't. A simple chain with a little charm on it is good as well as most likely accepted.

But what about your purse? Should you bring your mini-coffin with you, or your handbag? I use my mini-coffin as a lunch box, though a lot of people use them as bags. As long as you are certain it's accepted, then bring it. You're Goth, so by this point people saying that they're sorry for your loss is a common thing, correct?

Now, let's talk shoes. I wear simple, ankle-length combat boots just about everywhere, with platformed Mary Janes whenever I'm dressing up. Something that you can walk in would be preferable (obviously) so your six inch nails aren't a good idea. I think that anything more than four inches would be a bit much, but that's just me.

Hm, and as for jewellery, other than the necklaces, I think that a brooch or pin would be nice. Maybe add a cameo, though band badges probably wouldn't work very well on office clothes.

This has nothing to do with accessories,  but you hair. Brush your undercut into a bob, if you're more of a romanti-goth in nature, a simple updo would do. For older tradgoths, who have probably figured this out by now,  unless you want to kill your coworkers with the smell of Aquanet and make all the surfaces in the restroom instantly flammable, imitating Robert Smith won't work very well.

Oh, I almost forgot! Rings! Alchemy Gothic makes some nice rings (yes, I do like Alchemy Gothic...) and there are several nice, gothy looking ones on Amazon. I'm guessing pewter, sterling silver, steel, and titanium would work.

(image is by vampire-nyx on deviantArt)


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